
Monday 6 June 2022

Monday market in flaming June.

Looks like the boys on the St Georges are working their way through the gear to make it fish better...

landing mackerel ate last for the handliners working in the Bay...

Monday morning's market was full of line caught pollack...



and more pollack...

while the main market hall was full of top quality turbot like this 12+kg, that's 2 stone turbot in old money...

plump red mullet...

inshore ray wings...

specimen brill...

if you enjoyed Mark Jenkin's film 'Bait' then head down to Newlyn Filmhouse and enjoy some fine food and the fishing story film Luzzu

heading in with 230 boxes of prime MSc Certified hake...

Alan Dwan at the helm of the new 
Kelly Of Ladram...

and quickly ties up alongside the fishmarket...

there's just time to grab a quick cuppa...

the boat has a uch neater working deck for the guys handling the nets in her covered stern net pounds...

before the fish are lifted from the fishroom...

it's all smiles with the crew down in the fishroom...

as the Kelly of Ladram  lands the iceworks berth is busy with boats taking both ice

 and fuel.