
Thursday 23 June 2022

Looks like summer in Newlyn.

Those dorsal fins hide a nasty surprise for any would be predator that decides to swallow a greater weaver fish, there much smaller cousins, the Lesser Weaver, also inhabit big sandy beaches like Sennen and have been known to make their presence felt on the occasional paddler...

brill, like many flatfish, also like to bury themselves in a sandy bottom...

succulent undulate ray wings...

there are two types of smoothound, or pissers as they are known locally...

JDs, signs of summer

yet another big octo...

all that there was to show for a 4am start and 6 hours at sea...

heading off for breakfast...

work has begun removing the rotten pylons...

Jamie on manouvres...

as young Mr Stevens and Roger head off to shoot some gear...

several shades of blue at the home of Cornwall Fish Direct...

as young Anthony admires the latest batch of beautiful red mullet safe in Lee's hands headed for another happy customer...

this must be the nearest ex Dory King Roger Nowell gets to enjoying that early morning mug of tea admiring the view from the wheelhouse of his beloved Imogen III.