
Friday 17 June 2022

Fine, flat-calm #FishyFriday in Newlyn.

Thursday evening, despite dragging his anchor and having his rudder ripped from the hull this French yacht managed to float on the incoming tide in the harbour, just...

looks like level-pegging for the Pendeen teams as they complete a training session with a practice length of the harbour...

a good day's work on the pollack from the angler's comes ashore...

12 hours later, Mr Smith steams away from the market after landing his pollack trip from the Maverick...

as mr Pascoe stack's up is morning's mackerel catch...

on the market there's a big clue that soles like a sandy bottom...

monk tails in ice...

tallying up the morning's purchases...

as the morning's mackerel get sorted...

signs of summer, John Dory...

megrim, sorry Cornish sole...

a brace of big blonde wings...

squid are still thin on the ground...

there's a few big mullet from the Lizard way...

these days big ling are a rarity, years ago the longlining fleet would have probably thrown this guy back for another year...

boys in blue...

good to see the Butts is on the bass again, keep up the good work Cap'n Cod...

more line caught pollack...

plenty of bait for the crabbers...

those dark orange spots make plaice look even more appetizing...

shells galore...

brilliant brill...

big butt...

and some sweet monk livers...

to go with a few head-on monk...

your modern inshore punt is equipped with insulated tubs to keep the catch in the best possible condition...

and more electronics...

than you found in the average trawler wheelhouse years ago!