
Wednesday 4 May 2022

Newlyn, flat calm and full of fish.

Spring-like morning are becoming a thing as we step into the merry month of May...

quality hake-a-plenty...

 came via the Ygraine...

and a few boxes of spurdogs...

while the market had a good supply of quality flats from both inshore and beam trawlers like the le Men Dhu...

and the Billy Rowney...

haddock and whiting make them selves available to the inshore boats fishing south and south-west of Mounts Bay...

a fine brace of small-eyed ray wings...


and lemon soles from the big beam trawler...

together with John Dory now show in increasing numbers as we edge towards the summer months...

and shift in the wind saw mackerel begin to bite handliner's hooks again...

every plaice has a different set of spots, some only faintly orange, others more intense...

even so, this would have been many hours worth of jigging those mackerel feathers...

a fine pair of monk tails...

a hazy start to the day for those boats between trips...

the Trinity House vessel, Galatea at anchor.