
Friday 20 May 2022

Breezy #FishyFriday in Newlyn!

Once-upon-a-time way back in the 1970s when there was a mackerel 'boom', hundreds of toshers like this were built, many continue to provide a living for inshore fishermen throughout the south west... 

a sure sign on the morning's auction that there's a landing of fish from a Scottish boat - head-on monk...

and hake from the seiner Acciona...

luckily these are not the same as the deadly blue octopus found in the waters off Western Australia...

there's tub gurnards and tub gurnards...

and some summer scad...

a good run of brill...


prime stuff like red mullet and John Dory...

along with plenty of monk ails form the two beamers that landed...

with the odd bream thrown in for good measure from the Lilly Grace...

while the handliners fill up with pollack...

mackerel are still proving very hard to find, despite some bog marks well offshore......

there were some ominous looking clouds building from the west...

ominous enough to delay Brackan and his crewman from departing until this evening...

the two orange posts were placed just far enough apart to allow easy access by forklift trucks ferrying gear up and down the quay - so please park to allow them to do so, harbour staff asked nicely...

hopefully, these guys will deposit their load further up the coast!