
Friday 29 April 2022

Final Newlyn #FishyFriday in April

These days, inshore fishermen like their predecessors are rigged to fish using a range of methods...

Friday morning's market was mainly stocked with landings of net and trawl fish like these big blondes from the netter,  Britannia V...

and a good run of hake from the netter Silver Dawn...

and a few sharks...

while the trawler Spirited Lady III landed a solid trip...

which included these potentially painful but delicious greater weavers...

and some cracking Couch's bream...



early season John Dory...

and red mullet...

alongside a day trip of fish from the New Venture...

another milestone in the history of Newlyn will come to pass today, this will be the last time the tray for fish tallies...

will carry those from Newlyn Fish Company...

seen on these boxes of monk and Dover soles for their final auction bids - full story to follow soon...

time for the fish to be whisked away...

mackerel are still proving hard to catch for the handliners working close inshore even though there are plenty of marks - the prevailing easterlies would appear to be to blame for their reluctance to chew on the hooks used to catch them......

what fish were landed came from the nets of the hake boats...

though some inshore boats did find a few bass to lure aboard...

it is not just fishing vessels that frequent Newyn, the very functional very square-lined workboat Effy D...

visiting seine netter Acionna with more shapely lines sports a more traditional Scottish canoe stern...

while visiting Belgian wooden yacht Gutland shows off her rather dainty stern in the morning sun...

oh! the joys of mending on the quay, least it's dry...

traditional black and gold colours for some of the Cornish fleet...

while others go for more arresting colours like the more contemporary orange of the Hosking fleet...

this substantial stanchion has been installed to accommodate the end of the new barrier that will soon restrict vehicular access restricted by aid of numberplate recognition technology to the...

Mary Williams pier, opened by the Queen in 1980 - since then, times have changed and the huge growth in creating new HSE rules and regulations which keep lawyers and other's pockets lined which will potentially and seemingly inevitably see much of the harbour closed off to members of the public...

though this local resident has other ideas...

fancy a pint and a plate? - the Red Lion does some fine fresh fish dishes including its stonking crab soup

not a bad morning to be haling inshore pots either.