
Tuesday 5 April 2022

A Call for Information - Local Bass & Pollack Knowledge

This is a research project looking for local Bass & Pollack Knowledge from fishermen from South Devon.

Do you have local knowledge of bass and pollack? 

Would you like to have your say about future fisheries management? 

Can you help the University of Plymouth FISH INTEL team by contributing to a workshop / interview?

The project;

FISH INTEL is a cross-border project led by the University of Plymouth (UoP) which is investigating the importance of inshore and offshore habitats to a variety of fish species across the English Channel. The UoP team will be acoustic tagging bass and pollack between Plymouth and Lyme Bay this year to detect their movement between essential fish habitats.

What is involved?

The team are running a workshop / stakeholder interviews to collect local ecological knowledge and background information from local fishers. Local knowledge is important and can help highlight how fishing practices and abundances have changed over time. We are also keen to identify any additional benefits of fishing for these species including cultural importance and health & wellbeing. The workshop will also give you the opportunity to contribute to the future fisheries management of the South Devon region.

Key topics which will be covered:
  • Habitat mapping
  • Fishing practices
  • Cultural importance
  • Health & wellbeing 
  • Future management

What will the information be used for?

The information gathered through the workshop & interviews will be used in connection with the fish tracking data to help identify essential fish habitats and inform the future management plans. Data will also be shared with the Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority and will feed into Devon and Severn IFCA’s Fisheries Research and Management Plans. These Plans incorporate local knowledge and other evidence to make research and management recommendations that are informed by stakeholder priorities. How to participate

If you are interested in participating in a workshop / interview, please contact Dr Alice Hall