
Monday 28 March 2022

Misty last March Monday morning market.

To think that many years ago there was almost no interest in landing monk fish, these days monk tails make up a a significant percentage of the landings by value of the beam trawl fleet...

likewise with gurnards, the bulk of which all went for crab pot bait...

pollack still make better money on French markets...

while hake, once exported in huge quantities to Spain are now sold mainly to the UK...

these guys have always been a mainstay of fish and chip shops...

the kind of fish that for most are the stuff of dreams on a restaurant menu...

looks like spider crab outnumber brown crab 2-1 on the trawling grounds...

there's not shortage of stickers at this time of year, but no port record for young Mr Barnes this morning...

pristine brill...

and some Cornish reds...

along with lemons always make good money on the auction...

nae this fish...

the sum total of cod landed from an inshore trawler, changes to the climate have sen far fewer cod landed in recent years, that and very little quota for the local boats......

handline mackerel galore from all the local bays over the weekend...

and there are still a few sardines swimming in to be caught...

once upon a time this shop sold just about anything you needed, venturing upstairs was always quite an adventure, especially if old man Waghorn's gout was giving him gyp...

plans to give the old ice works a complete makeover and create a Newlyn 'Fish' heritage centre are currently being explored, interested parties always welcome...

with the weather warming up you can now enjoy eating alfresco at restaurant Argoe...

dawn patrol...

after anding a night's work it's time for Brackan to take on board clean boxes...

and make a decision about fuel - as the price of it reaches well over £1 a litre in Newlyn without the rebate...

there's a lot of it about.