
Wednesday 30 March 2022

Mid-week market in Newlyn showcases a stunning shagreen ray.


Last of the netters to land for this tide come to rest alongside the ice-works berth...

inside the market young Mr Smart is walking a couple of boxes...

at £33 a kilo, just the head of this big turbot is worth about £15...

even bait os costing the crabbers a small fortune...

just landed from the Ygraine, reports from the rest of the well-spaced net fleet indicate that spurdogs are still in evidence from the south western approaches, up the (Bristol) channel as far as the Channel Islands...

no shortage of superb big hake...

and smooth hounds from the same boat...

the biggest of these turbot would set you back nearly £200 - and that's just on the market...

Shagreen ray give their name to the rough, untanned leather favoured in the making of small box or portfolio covers and often dyed green...

won't be long before full boxes of John Dory grace the market floor, no doubt the newly appointed assistant harbourmaster will linger longingly on the market floor on those occasions when they are landed...

prime haddock. the one fish that local chippies would love to see more of...

mackerel landings remain constant for the handliners...

now and then a spectacular undulate ray becomes the star of the day's fish landings...

yet more expensive crab bait...

add a deerstalker and replace that mug o' tea with a Meerschaum pipe and you could be looking at the next Sherlock Holmes...

haul away boys...

as Ajax skipper Mr Chown lands a 100+ shot of pollack for tomorrow's market...

topping up the tanker with liquid gold...

yet more pots arrive...

killing two birds with one stone, smart move using harbour staff Hiab training session to lift the harbour punt out of the water for a service...

record breaking beam trawl gear gets the once-over...

look out there's a clipboard about, the very epitome of the time and motion man of yore.