
Monday 28 February 2022

We have fish! Much better Monday morning in Newlyn.

Asthore on the hard, it's final few weeks of the sardine season and these guys will be laid up until July when the first signs of the new season's fish will no doubt present themselves around the same time as glit appears on the fine meshes of the netters...

big hake from the Ygraine, just one of the big netters to put the first fish ashore in Newlyn for nearly a week...

a little treat for some lucky customers up the line, some cracking bream...

more hake...

Silver Dawn added a few dogs to the mix of fish landed...

along with pollack...

and hake...

wile the Ocean Pride added a good shot of ling, once the mainstay of the longlining fleet back in the 60s and 70s......

even a few red gurnard found their way into the netters big mesh gear...

all whisked away...

with no trawl fish at all on the market supplies of monk tails...


Dover soles...

and megrim were even more thin on the ground...

fresh weekend winds kept all but a handful of handliners on their moorings so fish like mackerel were few and far between...

red and...

black bream proved just as elusive for the men with hook and line...

with just a handful being landed...

more ice next time for these tails...

fine weather sees just the two crabbers and the netter Amanda of Ladram in port today.