
Thursday 17 February 2022

First Dudley, then Eunice.

Dudley kept the fleet in...

which means the only boats likely to land are the sardine boats hoping to get out into the bay tonight...

but there's always time to have a bit o' yarn first thing..

the big Belgian beam trawler Antje de Vries has taken a berth near the gaps...

while the Dory bashing inshore trawler Immy found her way up on the slip...

three in the play-off for the "who's got the biggest butt" of the ships in the port...

as David Stevens Snr phones home from the bow of the Crystal Sea...

up the quay as just some of the new fleet of pots...

 are made ready to go aboard the Nicola of Ladram...

alongside the next tier...

the boys from the Stelissa look happy in the work as they fleet a full set of nets full of smiles along the quay...

the leaded footrope carefully coiled.