
Thursday 20 January 2022

Survey on new slipping/shiplift Facilities for Newlyn Harbour.

Newlyn Harbour Advisory Board is undertaking a survey of boat owners and harbour users, to asses the business case for new slipping facilities and advise the harbour commissioners.

The Advisory Board recently held a two day consultation/exhibition in the market over the Christmas period. The consultation/exhibition was held so that Harbour users and the public could view the concept plans for Newlyn's future expansion. Part of the concepts are for a new slipping/shiplift facility, to be located within the harbour. That consultation gave an opportunity for the public to view the plans and give feedback.

We received very positive comments and great feedback for the entire concept plan. For the purpose of this survey, we have included the comments given to the proposed shiplift facility concept.

"We need more slipping berths"  
"There needs to be engineering workshops located at Sandy Cove."  
"The shiplift needs to cater for all vessels currently in the harbour up 40 metres."  
"The shiplift needs to be able to lift heavier and larger boats than the current slip."  
"Newlyn needs a multiple berth shiplift like they have in Fraserburgh."  
"Any shiplift facility will need a painters shed and workshop."  
"Will need scissors-lift machines, pressure washers, and cherry pickers."  
"Can we cater for a covered slipping shed for smaller vessels?"  
"A crane and hard standing to lift out under 12 metre vessels."  
"Shiplift needs to be dredged or deep enough water to take the largest boats on any tide."

From these and other comments and with speaking to harbour users, it is clear that improved and increased slipping/maintenance facilities are very much needed and that these are regarded as a priority.

The questionnaire attached is designed to asses not only the size and weight capacity of any proposed shiplift facility, but to also gauge how much business currently leaves Newlyn to slip elsewhere and also what that costs harbour users in time, plus cost of travelling to other ports.

These questions make up an important part of the business case, so that Newlyn harbour can write a funding bid and make the case to get the best possible outcome for harbour users.

The survey also contains a comments section, for any other feedback. 

You can complete the survey here, online or download the same form from this link and return via post to:

Advisory Board
Harbour Office
22 The Strand
TR18 5HW

The slip in Newlyn is in constant use with vessels of all sizes...

but for quick jobs like scrubbing off weed or clearing a fouled prop boats can go ahead of the fish market...

which was used for much bigger boats until the market was extended inwards and dredged in the late 1980s...

or alongside the North Pier...

but that can only be done on big spring tides and involves a degree of risk as the boat needs to be secured so that it leans into the quayside as the tide recedes...

especially as the harbour bed slopes away from the quay...

alternatively, smaller boats make use of the Canners slip, again only on bigger tides - and any work there, as elsewhere in Newlyn is carried out at all times exposed to the elements.