
Monday 17 January 2022

Nippy Monday morning in Newlyn, awash with fish.

Net fish, beam trawl fish, trawl fish, handline fish...

it was all over the market this morning...

there were even a few early season sharks...

plenty of hake form the Stelissa...

and the Silver Dawn...

a good few boxes of high value fish like these turbot...

and John Dory...

the array of different box colours resembled that of Van Gogh's palette...

Brackan on the Spirited Lady III landed some glistening haddock...

while the other inshore trawlers picked up good sots of ray...

many of these boats now remove the wings at sea to save on fishroom space, they save the cut out bodies for the crabbers to use as bait for their pots


and other flats helped keep supplies moving...

while big white fish like pollack came from the ever-reliable Ocean Pride...

along with big bass, which seem to be all over the grounds at the moment...

the Imogen landed this huge monk tail...

at 0˚ it was a chilly start to the day with not a cloud in the sky...

these big blondes came courtesy of the Voyager...

the sharks get bigger...

Cornish King crab were mentioned on Radio Cornwall's breakfast show with James Churchfield this morning...

listen to the short report on Newlyn's fish market from the chair of Newlyn Harbour Commissioners...

at 125 kg that's a lot of BBQ tuna steaks...

the inshore fridge was full of mainly mackerel tis morning...


and red mullet are always a good sight slipping out on to the deck when the cod end is opened...

the big crabber is landing at the end of the Mary Williams pier...

the sun makes a bid for higher things...

as the Charlotte Clare heads in through the gaps...

Ollie, "Where's my boxes" Oliver...

there's just enough breeze to keep the flags flying over Newlyn this morning.