
Monday 24 January 2022

Monday morning in Newlyn.

Busy looking market this morning after a fine spell of weather over the weekend saw most of the fleet at sea...

ray wings a'plenty...

as were the mackerel...

while inshore trawlers made the best of what quality fish are on the grounds at this time of year from John Dory...

to red mullet...


the odd slack box of squid and cuttles...

and a few bass from the netter Ocean Pride...

young Roger Nowell did well to pick up this shot of ray...

and the odd hake...

while Richard with the Still Waters bagged this fine brill...

just behind the tentacles of tis cuttlefish you can see the moth of the jet propulsion system that enables them to escape quickly from danger...

pollack is what the Ocean Pride targets...

good to see the boxes return to their normal shades of red and grey...

superb line caught squid...

the odd gilt head bream...

along with herring....

and grey mullet...

these scad will end up as pot bait for a crabber...

top of the tide sees a fair few netters back in port...

just what you don't need wrapped around your prop...

behold the gribble worm - it's amazing how such a small beast m has such an appetite for woood!