
Tuesday 28 December 2021

There's no stopping the sardine boats from Newlyn.

Great to see the sardine fleet in action this afternoon making the most of a short interval between bouts of poor weather...

the full extent of the Pelagic Marksman's ring net can be seen surrounding her just of the back of Mousehole island - hopefully the gig rowers will spot the net on the surface...

while closer inshore the Lyonesse begins the process of hauling in her net using the net hauler over her stern...

slowly closing or 'pursing' (another name for ring netting) the net...

with a catch bigger than she can hold young Will has called up the Vesta to share in the catch - such is the brotherly love between fishermen...

today was day one of the Newlyn Concept Plan exhibition - a steady stream visited so it's all go tomorrow - the exhibition closes around 3:30pm tomorrow,