
Saturday 18 December 2021

Newlyn's final #FishyFriday 2021 market.

No hunting for the Lyonesse  last night...

but Friday's market with awash with top quality fish from the netter...

Ygraine like hake...


tip-top tub gurnard...

and monk tails...

while the Ajax...

finished up the year with a big landing of hake...

and a quota-busting shot of dogs...

Brackan on the Spirited Lady III landed the usual quality mix of fish including a few bass...

Ryan on the Stelissa scored with a few scad...

and pollack...

it was up to the Imogen to round up a few John Dory...

with the Ocean Pride filling her boots with pollack...

a few boxes of red mullet found their way into the beam trawl landings...

but were totally outshone by this big bass haul, seldom seen on this scale for a beam trawler......

megrims were everywhere as usual...

and even more bass...

and some seasonal squid at last...

the handliners are continuing to enjoy mackerel galore in all the the local bays...

and the odd big bass.