
Monday 6 December 2021

It's a wet start to the week with storm Barra on the way.

The Billy Rowney lays against the fish market with tubs of cuttlefish awaiting collection...

as young Steve and 'Little' Graham wrestle with fish from the St Georges... 

whose trip also included 'black gold'...

a few boxes of John Dory...

Dover sole...

red mullet...

monk tails...

megrim sole...

and plaice...

despite the poor weather over the weekend a few hardy handiners, boats that work almost exclusively singlehanded braved chilly winds and choppy seas to put ashore a few boxes of liner caught bass...

and mackerel...

down the Mary Williams pier the rain it raineth on the netting fleet resting over the spring tide...

with bigger boats like the Crystal Sea in between trips keeping a very close eye on this week's storm Barra brewing out in the Atlantic rapidly heading eastwards...

oh! to track the wandering life of a fish box...

and the rain it continues to raineth, this time two Rowse crabbers get a dowsing.