
Monday 8 November 2021

Sunday through to Monday in pictures.

The lengths people go to...

 to get the shot they want...

or you just have to be patient or get up early...

Monday morning's market was full of day boat fish after a weekend of fine weather enable the saller boats to get to sea in numbers...

though the beam trawler Algrie made the only big-boat contribution to the first auction of the week...

for young Roger on the Immy squid are till almost non-existent - in some years they can be landed by the ton...

while he made a good landing of ray...

a few bass...

and more ray...

both squid...

and cuttles release large quantities of ink when caught...

and despite the best efforts of the guys a few fish bear the scars - not that the ink in any way detracts from the flavour...

flatfish tails like these on plaice...


and Dover sole serve to adjust the height of the fish over the ground as they swim - some think they raise the tail and use the tide to push them along and conserve energy...

not so many reds at this time of year...

a good box of witches...

while Tom got lucky with this nice landing of monk tails...

leaving a few bigger ones for the Algrie...

there were still a few JDs on the ground too...

these pristine reds were hauled up the beach at Cadgwith...

not much of a conger line...

while the bass boys were in action again...

some chose to make the most of good mackerel marks...

like the Sea Spray...

the big one will be sailing later today...

Crystal Sea heads in through the gaps to land...

fishermen have an old saying, name the three most useless things you can have on a fishing boat, and this is one of them, along with a step ladder and a soldier...

bait taking time...

taking the springer...

as a few more early-morning line caught bass come ashore...

the Kaen N was unlucky enough to pick up a length of 80mm mesh floating on the surface which meant an 8 hour tow job from sister-ship, Louisa N...

just another day's trials and tribulations for rugby player Jack Nowell's fisherman father Mike and brother Steven!..

a short time-laps of the morning's events.