
Monday 1 November 2021

Newlyn, it's fish and the centre of the Ordnance Survey universe.

Classic 'anvil' cumulonimbus cloud structure overhanging the harbour this morning - keep your eyes open for the odd heavy shower...

inside the fish market net caught fish makes ip the bulk of the fish up for auction like these superb hake form the Ygraine...

and a handful of fish that got a mention on last night's Countryfile, the very flavoursome scad or horse mackerel..

it seems tastes differ from country to country, coley are the preferred choice of many in Germany...

while smoothhounds have a niche market...

not for nothing are these named blue sharks...

the wholesome haddock sporting its tell-tale thumbprint needs no introduction...

as yet cuttlefish landings of any significant quantity have yet to materilise on the market in Newlyn...

spurdogs are still plentiful across the grounds...

while the only beam trawl fish on the market included the usual mix of flats like these lemons...

Dover sole...


and another fish now made familiar to UK customers, Cornish sole, previously known as megrim sole but as yet not recognised by the auction system...

delicious John Dory...

and of course the ever-poular monk fish tails...

a handful of boats braved a pretty windy weekend to put a few boxes of mackerel on the market...

these guys spend several months of every year in Canada...

but right now they muster first thing every morning outside a harbour staff office for breakfast - and later chase the guys down the quay at 10am for their tea beak - while the sun shines on them it doesn't look too clever for the Intuition bound away to haul pots off Lands End...

also featured on Countryfile last night, the Tidal Observatory at Newlyn from where we learned the height of every inch of every Ordnance Survey map is calculated - the hope is to give the public access to the site in due course as a key feature of Newlyn's heritage trail......

this broken mast might too become a feature soon, door probs for the Crystal Sea...

Intuition about to let go the ends and give the fisheries protection boat St Piran a clear berth...

basking in the morning sun, the lighthouse towers over the less-than-imposing tidal observatory door - take a glimpse inside when Through the Gaps was given a guided tour a few yeas ago..