
Thursday 18 November 2021

I-VMS type approval programme (MMO) is conducting a programme to assess vessel monitoring systems


The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is conducting a programme to assess vessel monitoring systems to identify devices that meet its technical specifications for reporting of location, heading and speed by under 12m fishing vessels. 

Vessels under 12m long will be legally required to report positional data from an approved device to the MMO operations room during fishing trips. This data will enable a better understanding of the scale, location and seasonality of fishing activity. To support fishers in obtaining an I-VMS device that meets this forthcoming legal requirement and is suitable for their vessel, the MMO’s ‘type approval’ process is intended to bring as many suppliers into the marketplace as possible so that there’s a broad choice of devices at a range of prices for fishers to choose from. 

In the under-12m fishing fleet, the range of specifications for vessels - for example, in terms of powering and housing the devices – is diverse. Vessel owners are best placed, with the right support from suppliers, to decide which device and service package suits them. 

Key Dates Interested suppliers will have from the opening of the programme on 24 August 2021 until it’s close on 1 October 2021, to submit their evidence and documentation for review. There will be an opportunity for MMO and suppliers to clarify issues until 26 October 2021. A formal announcement listing the devices approved is then expected to take place before the end of the year and will be published on this website along with information regarding each device’s service offerings and supplier/product website details. Update 31/08/21 

We will allow an extended period of until the 28th of October for suppliers to submit all the required certifications. This has been granted as some certifications may take a period of time to obtain. In order to be eligible to receive the certificate extension, suppliers must provide evidence to the MMO at that they are in the process of obtaining their certifications by the 1st of October. 

Detailed Process Timetable 

For a full outline of what is expected from prospective suppliers, please consult the MMO’s Conditions of Participation page.