
Sunday 14 November 2021

Have DEFRA missed something?

We are always being told to "read the terms and conditions' - many in the fishing industry may feel DEFRA have shown dereliction in their duty to do so on their behalf.

As Article 25 says:

(1) When distributing catch quotas and effort quotas for use by fishing boats, the national fisheries authorities must use criteria that—

  • (a)are transparent and objective, and
  • (b)include criteria relating to environmental, social and economic factors.

(2) The criteria may in particular relate to—

  • (a)the impact of fishing on the environment;
  • (b)the history of compliance with regulatory requirements relating to fishing
  • (c)the contribution of fishing to the local economy;
  • (d)historic catch levels.

(3) When distributing catch quotas and effort quotas for use by fishing boats, the national fisheries authorities must seek to incentivise—

  • (a)the use of selective fishing gear, and
  • (b)the use of fishing techniques that have a reduced impact on the environment (for example that use less energy or cause less damage to habitats).
Seeing is believing.