
Friday 12 November 2021

Finest inshore fish for #FishyFriday in Newlyn.

Not a netter in sight but plenty of crabbers still in port as another week of fish from the most diverse fishing grounds in the UK comes to a close...

a handful of dogfish......

and, unusually, for a beam trawler, the Twilight III picked up a few bass this week...

though there were plenty of MSC Certified Cornish hake from those champions of quality fish aboard the gill-netter Ygraine...

and a late season splash of reds will keep Mr Cleeve happy...

even Falfish's gurnards were looking particularly bright...

while the inshore boats put ashore a good mix of megs...


and John Dory...

landed in even larger quantity by the big beam trawler along with these Dovers...

one day they may change the name to Cornish Sole on the tallies...

monk tails a-plenty...

as were the mackerel with the hand liners enjoying an excellent run of fish in the bay...

name this crustacean...

they are not called 'silver darlings' for nothing...

cuttlefish landings are barely registering this year so far...

most of the crabbing fleet are in...

as are a few of the chain gang...

stirrings around the IFCA fisheries patrol boat St Piran...

our Plymouth brethren...

one sardine skipper is doing his bit to 'green' the planet.