
Saturday 30 October 2021

Seven new industry experts have been appointed to the Fishing into the Future (FITF) board of trustees.


Seven new industry experts have been appointed to the Fishing into the Future (FITF) board of trustees, expanding the geographical reach of the Trusteeship and enriching the expertise available to guide its charitable activities.

Fishing into the Future is an independent UK charity with a mission to deliver long term, sustainable and prosperous fisheries through collaboration, effective dialogue, and mutual understanding between fisheries management, science and industry stakeholders. Their unique approach ensures that charitable activities are relevant and guided by industry, maintaining minimum of 2/3rds of the Trusteeship as active industry representatives.

Stories from FITF trustees.

As of October 2021, seven new Trustees have joined the FITF board of Trustees, creating renewed momentum and new perspectives to guide future projects. The new Trustees are currently getting involved in ongoing work to develop community learning resources that will support the transition towards co-management and more collaborative science, as well as preparing the launch of a new website “the Fishing Porthole” that will provide a one-stop-shop for learning, sharing & working together.

Emma Plotnek, FITF Executive Director said:

“We are already supported by a wealth of experienced, forward-thinking people and by growing our Trusteeship it shows people in the industry believe in our core values and potential as a charity. We are injecting new ideas and energy into the charity and are striving to ensure we represent the different scales and geographies within the industry, as well as include more women and young voices.”

The new trustees include:

  • David Anderson, CEO of the Aberdeen Fish Producers Organisation Ltd.; 
  • Orkney based Hannah Fennell, Head of Orkney Fisheries Association and Researcher; 
  • Trevor Jones, fisherman, fish farmer and expert in fishing safety based out of North Wales; 
  • Northern Irish fisherman Jimmy Kelly, based out of Portavogie; 
  • Norfolk-based vessel owner Ashley Mullenger, better known on social media as the “the Female Fisherman”; 
  • Mike Park, CEO of the Scottish White Fish Producer Organisation; 
  • Neil Witney, owner and skipper of About Time NN8 based out of Newhaven in East Sussex.

Newly inducted Trustee, Ashley Mullenger, said:

“It’s both an honour and a responsibility to be inducted onto the board of Trustees, despite being relatively fresh in my career as a fisherman, it's clear how important it is to understand the science that drives our management policies, whilst also engaging the fishing community in our various upcoming projects, which will help us to play a clear role in the future of the industry"

If you would like to get involved with the charity you can visit the website, follow them on social media or contact the FITF Executive Director, Emma Plotnek, for more information.

Read about the FITF Board of Trustees on the FITF Website. Contact: