
Friday 8 October 2021

It's a foggy first #FishyFriday in October.

Full-on fog this morning before the sun gets up...

and with a 19' tide there were no net trips landed so it was up to the beam trawlers Trevessa IV and Algrie to land some bait for the crabbers...

along with boxes of boggle-eyed bothicks...

red mullet...

Dover sole...

sand sole...

big blondes...

while the inshore trawlers made mixed landings of ray...

both fabulous eating big fat fish, brill and turbot, but which one is which?..

the bass boys don't always get the fish...

but the old Imogen certainly still knows how to pull those John Dory aboard...

along with a few haddock...

enough to keep merchants like Mr Smart happy...

looks like a handful of handliners made the most of some big mackerel marks...

its been a long time since we saw multiple 100kg stacks from single boats...

even a few grey mullet found their way from Cadgwith cove...

the usual flats like plaice...

and big Dovers made up the rest of the landings...

even the crabbers aren't to keen on working such big tides...

while the Emma gets a big makeover...

it's been a while since the Saint Brieuc registered Stradale called for ice...

at the other end of the quay it's time to grab a quick sketch above the slip...

as it is being prepared for the netter Charisma...

by Jeremey towing down the cradle...

and then going on standby...

before pushing her straight on the cradle...

watched over by the harbourmsater's new assistant Jedna Hall getting the benefit of Lionel's lifetime at experience of slip's idiosyncrasies...

as Cap'n Cod heads for the gaps...

a juvenile gull takes a morning stroll before going in search of breakfast...

a brace of Falfish HGVs...

early morning fog manoeuvres from the Girl Pamela, Stradale and Charisma of Ladram.