
Thursday 23 September 2021

Newlyn, basking in glorious early morning sunshine.

Ray's of early morning sunshine, won't be too long before the market starts its working day in darkness so morning's like this are to be cherished...

whereas these rays are on their way to Smarts for skinning...

the humble gurnard come in many shades...

a brace of bonito tuna...

pristine red mullet...

megrim or Cornish sole make fine eating when cooked on the bone...

as do brill...

while bass taste good however they are served up...

the meaty monk tail makes for a great curry dish with any recipe from southern India or Sri Lanka.....

crawfish are now seen everywhere, recent studies which include tagged fish being returned locally indicate that they have been moving ever northwards from the waters off Portugal and Spain...

not the prettiest of fish but oh so tasty and not a bone in sight...

and Newlyn sees tons of them landed daily...

yet another fine start to the day...

with one of the younger local resident gulls taking stock of the situation...

temporarily held up in port with a dose of Covid...

local scallops get a reprieve for a day...

the classic west cargo ketch Bessie Ellen - book an adventure you won't forget...

makes a fine sight for those that pass close by on their way to sea...

as the skipper heads ashore for an early morning cuppa following her work carried out by Brad and his team at Sandy Cove boatyard.