
Monday 13 September 2021

Monday morning in Newlyn and the rain is late.

Plenty boxes of the fish that loves the sun found there way on to the market from the inshore boats working over the weekend...

along with red mullet...

and ray...

quality big squid from the Unity, the outer membrane so sought after by many chefs still intact...

baggsy some brill...

one seriously forlorn looking conger...

my Dory's got blue eyes...

with no beam trawl fish on the auction this morning it was up to the Unity to keep the merchants supplied with this popular fish...

along with Dovers of course...

sardines came courtesy of the Palagic Marskman...

while the handliners provided all of the morning's mackerel...

and a good run of pollack...

while others like the Tol-Bar...

weighed in with a few bass...

trawl doors come in all shapes...

and sizes...

Seafood Cornwall Training is your first port of call if you fancy a career change, they provide all the training needed to become a fisher...

cuttlefish legacy...

the St Georges heads for the market to land...

joining the crabber Nicola of Ladram while the Ocean Pride takes ice...

and the Ygraine seeks out a berth to take gear ready for sailing...

latest fleet colours, from the Enterprise to the Cornishman

that's a whole lot of dredges to maintain...

not the sweetest lines...

big smiles from the big man himself, relief skipper Scotty and skipper Mario about to enjoy a few days off from the Rowse crabber Harriet Eve...

 there's not too many restaurants in Cornwall where you can sit and eat fish from caught by the boats in front of you.