
Monday 6 September 2021

Misty Monday morning in Newlyn.

Fish galore this Monday morning with big white fish to the fore like these cracking gillnetted haddock...

and hake from the netters Silver Dawn and Stelissa...

along with a good shot of dogs...

a solitary black bream...

this is how a gurnard spends its days, scavenging the seabed with its finger-like pectoral fins where the first three rays are modified to allow them to sense small fish or crustaceans buried in the sand...


and blonde wings...

I think if this had landed on my deck I would have put the old boy back to enjoy his retirement, probably first graced the seabed in the middle of the last century...

fish to put a smile on any skipper's face...

blackjacks or coley...

and pollack landed from a big trip by the Ocean Pride...

squid often begin to show in bigger hauls at this time of year...

while monk remain a constant throughout the year...

slack fishing for big reds this week...

time to load the van with the morning's winning bids...

as one of the harbour's resident gulls takes flight...

closely followed by...

a few more of this year's youngsters...

fish market breakfast meeting...

as the visiting scalloper Geertruda makes for a berth...

young Edwin on his way to pick up FalFish's morning's purchases - coming to a Morrison's near you!