
Friday 10 September 2021

Misty #FishyFriday

Breaks in the cloud herald in a very still #FishyFriday morning in Newlyn...

on a market  packed with quality flat fish like these meaty turbot from the port's largest beam trawler Enterprise...

the spots on blonde ray appear right to the edge of the body...

while they diminish in size and number near the extremities of spotted ray...

these guys look so good and taste even better....

lost of lemons from the Spirited Lady III...

bit still not much squid passing over her footrope...

while the Enterprise bagged plenty of Dovers...

Cornish sole...

meaty monk...

superb plaice...

and scores of haddock...

while the inshore handliners continue to pick away pollack...

and a few bass...

now that's a name from the past...

heading out through the gaps is the old Huers with Dennis and Tom Pascoe at the helm - the boat that the current generation of Pascoe's learned there craft sometimes when they were supposed to be at school - I know as I marked them with a big fat 'O' in the register knowing full well why they were absent!..

in those days the boys were handlining for mackerel like these beauties...

more lemons form young Mr Worth...

with the cloud lowering...

the Algrie rests at high water...

and the netters prepare for the next neap tide...

as the sardine boat Pelagic Marksman ties up to dry out for the day...

signs of the pot of gold the boat has been for its previous owner/skipper Stefan...

the big turquoise boat readies herself sailing later today...

all he needs is a pipe and a can of spinach, the ever-cheerful Dan makes good the bow ropes...

on the Twlight IV...

 as she heads out trough the gaps...

along with a visiting yacht...

also in turquoise, Le Men Dhu is about to sail...

big boulders, what he beam trawl fleet has to contend with on a weekly basis at sea in addition to negotiating their way around a seabed littered with wrecks from two world wars and countless storms...

the middle section of a bottom trawl - the heavy mesh on the left of the trawl belly then have a different colour in the square section as the smaller twine then leads into the wing...

fuel up time...

while the Unity...

has her twin-rig gear ashore for repairs...

it's time for a scrub down on the Enterprise...

in the new colours adopted by Ocean Fish for its trawl fleet.