
Sunday 5 September 2021

Last tuna of the season landed and sold on the fish market to the public in Guilvinec, Brittany.

A tradition for some and a first for others

At the port of Guilvinec, many customers snatch up the last arrivals of tuna a few days before the end of the season. Like every year, many of them fill up to have preserves all winter long. In two hours, more than a hundred customers bought fresh tuna at the port of Guilvinec at the end of the season

More than fifty people crowd into a hangar in the fishing port of Guilvinec, in Finistère. "It's madness, there are too many people", launches Patrick, one of the salesmen who are busy serving those who come to buy tuna from only 2.50 € per kilo.

Among them, there are regulars like Nadine, who has bought her fresh tuna every year for direct sale in Douarnenez or Guilvenec for more than fifty years. "It's a tradition since my mother, my grandmother ... I did this all my youth. For me it is important that there is a transmission from the grandparents and parents to the children . I don't think mine will do it afterwards so I keep the customs going.” she explains with a burst of laughter.

Another happy customer, Bissiry traveled from Rennes to buy around twenty kilos of tuna. For others, it's the first time. Gaëlle and Philippe usually use tuna from the supermarket to make their preserves. This year, they let themselves be tempted by direct sales "by chance" and they were won over. "The price, the quality, it is true that (the product) is super fresh. We know very well that there, the sinner will do better. We prefer to go live and if everyone did that, this would be better" explains Philippe.

The reputation of Guilvinec tuna goes beyond the borders of Finistère. Right next to the couple, Bissiry loads 20 kilos of tuna into his car. He made the trip from Rennes to provide all his family for the winter: "We contribute to buy diesel so that I can buy, then I bring back and we share" . But the attractive prices are deserved . Buyers must now make the journey home with the tuna in their trunk ... mostly without ice!