
Saturday 4 September 2021

How can we help make fishing safer?


Reporting marine accidents.

Seafood Cornwall Training would like to find out how many fishers and vessel owners report marine accidents at sea and to find out any concerns and how we can help. Please share your experiences and thoughts here, we will ensure information is treated in confidence. 

Throughout this campaign, we aim to give fishermen the opportunity to share their experiences and concerns about reporting marine accidents at sea. Fishermen, vessel owners and skippers will also be able to access a free safety audit from Safety Adviser Clive Palfrey, to ensure that if a vessel does need to report a marine accident, their vessel will be ready for any subsequent inspection from the MCA. 

“We’re interested in finding out how many marine accidents are reported and providing a safe and confidential space for fishermen and vessel owners to discuss any concerns they have about calling the Coastguard,” says Clive Palfrey. “We’re also here to meet with vessel owners and help them make sure they have all the paperwork and safety measures in order so that should they need to call the Coastguard, they will pass any follow-up inspection, which has been a concern for some vessel owners. We’ll also be sharing the survey and information on our social media channels. 

To find out more about the campaign, follow us on Facebook or Twitter at @SCTNewlyn.