
Tuesday 21 September 2021

Fine start to Love Seafood week..

Not a bad start to Seafish's Love Seafood week...

as fresh gear goes aboard the Lamorna after landing a haul of crawfish......

into the waiting vivier lorry - shellfish are transported live in aerated seatwater tanks to countries like France and Spain from Newlyn...

as another beam trawler heads away at first light...

past a small fleet of handliners chasing mackerel...

as the morning fog rolls seawards...

a quiet weekend saw the inshore guys landing mackerel...


and bass from the latest addition to the Newlyn fleet, Huers...

one of the fish being highlighted during the Love Seafood campaign is MSC certified hake, which Newlyn is renowned...

along with haddock...

and monk tails...

years ago black fish were landed by the ton, today's market saw just the one example...

there were a few rays on the market this morning...

and plenty more outside...

providing some strong reflections of the Rowse fleet tied up in their berth.