
Monday 27 September 2021

Final Monday morning market in September.

There's a definite shift in the weather this morning with more than a hint of autumn in the chilly early morning air...

every trawler skipper's dread, the trawl in the prop, bunged-up...

ling make good eating...

as do the big flats like brill...

tcepahalapods are still thin on the ground...

fish of the day, red gurnard - ask your local fishmonger to get some in for you to try...

pristine line caught pollack...

the one beam trawler that landed put ashore monk tails...

megrim sole...

and lemons...

while Tom picked up a cracking JD...

one of the bass boys in his new ship pitched in with a good haul of bass...

those small mesh nets work only too well for the likes of red mullet...

there were even a few mackerel around this morning...

Monday morning fish on the move...

good to see one of the local shags makes diving for his breakfast look easier than Suarez ...

late morning landing of Cornsh sardines...

by the Pelagic Marksman...

there's a good chance that today will see people caught out in the odd heavy but short shower..

the big fella has landed.