
Tuesday 3 August 2021

Tuesday's top quality Cornish hake from the Newlyn netter Ygraine.

This morning's market saw an early landing for this neap tide of MSc Certified hake form the netter Ygraine

while fish from the port's inshore fleet made up the bulk of the fish up for auction tis morning like these superb red mullet...

and squid from the Spirited Lady III

along with a cracking platter-sized turbot from Tom...

John Dory...

Cornish sole...

and lemon sole from Brackan...

a symmetrical pair of lobsters - with one left and one right-handed crushing claw...

top quality tip - check this bright-eyed red gurnard...

a creche of craws...

underbelly of a ray, a member of the shark family with cartilaginous bones...

a few bass fell to the wily lures of a line fisherman...

and yet more hake from the Ygraine...

fish-fact of the day - turbot are bled on capture in order to prevent discolouration of the flesh...

upon reflection, what would be described by the Beaufort Scale as 'smoke' - the system still used by sailors and the Met Office today was initially based on the appearance of the sea state and sky

you never know what you are going to dredge up from the harbour...

classic lines of a classic yacht, Sunburst - the last yacht, built in 1967, byAlexander Robertson & Sons yard on the Clyde and designed by .David Boyd...

the busy deck of Interfish's sardine catcher, Charlotte may

multi-purpose vessel Severn Sea... 

there's been a yarn bombing in Newlyn, Rosebud Gardens was badly hit...

built in 1929 the full body of the Evangelical brig...

provides a stunning silhouette while on the slip in Newlyn...

passionate about fish, Andrew heads out to sea to chase a few mackerel...

familiar lines?, Phoenix, star of many a TV drama and film over the years.