
Friday 6 August 2021

First #FishyFriday in August.

With the weather being nigh on a flat calm there was one boat sure to head out through the gaps on Thursday...

another good shot of greater weavers snapped up by Mr Cleeve...

grey gurnards go for bait...

as do lesser spotted dogfish...

the Ocean Pride and Britannia IV oth landed hake this morning...

inshore fish at its best, John Dory were just some of the fish from a solid trip by the Still Waters

Cornish sole aplenty from the beamer Twilight III...

while Brackan landed plenty of monk and Dovers...

good to see Shane no longer having to put up with sailing in stormy seas on the St Piran now able to concentrate on chasing those elusive mackerel...

you know where to go for your shellfish...

seems there are still ray on the ground if you know where to look...

it takes two...

sardiniĆ©re Golden Harvest's secret weapon...

versatile things Henrys...

the Rowse crabber fleet at rest...

 a real sense of times gone by, classic sailing ship, Phoenix  on the slip, Irene on the quay...

thought the 16th Century Old Harbour's looks are not improved with the rather unsightly addition of a portaloo!