
Friday 13 August 2021

Fine, flat calm #FishyFriday in Newlyn.

Fine stat to the final day of the week and with a big spring tide the netting fleet are all in port waiting for the next neap to begin...

two beam trawlers, the Billy Rowney...

and the Enterprise provided most of the flat fish for sale on the auction...

while the inshore boats had their say with smaller runs of fish like these John Dory...

and blonde ray...

greater weavers seem to be a thing at the moment with a box per trip the norm...

mullet are a fish that shoal- so they are seldom caught in ones and twos...

there were plenty of Cornish sole...


and monk from the port's largest boat...

top quality line caught pollack heading for a restaurant near you...

the galleon wind vane atyop the old Mission building catches early morning sun-rays...

the lockdown created a swathe of opportunities for fishermen to sell their catch direct to the public - head ver to the Joy of Ladram's website and pick up some top quality net caught fish including MSC Certified Cornish hake...

there's plenty of fun to be had for youngsters...

on Newlyn Green next to the art gallery...

here's hoping the cloud will lift...

Tom looks out over Mounts bay and watches all points of the compass...

flying the harbour flag...

a few days work below the waterline on the Orion...

from the starship Enterprise...

to this little chap...

one of a handful currently having a nose around the harbour.