
Monday 26 July 2021

Men at work on the Manin on a muggy Monday morning in Newlyn

Hardly a breath of wind to disturb the tranquil waters of Newlyn this morning...

as the crew of the Ocean Pride struggle to pull the Sapphire II back into her berth before making her way to the slip cradle...

meanwhile on the fish market  there are couple of big trips of haddock and other quality white fish for the Irish trawler Unity...

hake from the Ajax...

and quality flats form the beam trawler Sapphire II...

including Dovers...

and medium...

and large monk tails...

and plenty of quality from the inshore boats like the Millennia...

name this oily fish rich in Omega3...

some cracking tubs...

and Capn'tCod will have been smiling all the way during his long steam home with tis little haul of bass on board the Butts...

the difference between small mackerel and sardine...

nothing os wasted these days, tubs of pot bait...

over at the slip the Ocean pride is now starting her journey on the slip cradle...

with young PD keeping a close eye on proceedings from the comfort of his cradle seat...

as she leaves the water...

trials for the Twilight III may be concluded today...

as PD gives the Ocean Pride the once-over below the waterline...

as does one of her crew inspecting the cooling...

time-lapse of the Ocean Pride riding the cradle up the slip...

the Padstow registered dredger Manin is due to spend much of tis week cleaning up the harbour bed...

the Iris at high water is keeping out of the way today...

as the Manin begins to manoeuvre into her first dredging station...

as Master Habour Dredger and Marine Superintendent, John Bennets issues commands from the flying bridge of the Manin's wheelhouse...

looks like today;'s afternoon snacks are sorted......

the dredger's grab in action...

removing a mix of silt, stone and lost gear...


it's a one-man operation from the grab cab...

no doubt someone will identify that missing shackle...

the Manin in action...

incomplete waterline paint job...

Twlight III heads back in again...

rolly break...

no chance of a break for Bruv with his taskmaster operating from the comfort of his portable shore throne.