
Friday 2 July 2021

It's a fine first #FishyFriday for July in Newlyn.

Late on Thursday evening,  Serene Dawn  makes her way under the NCI watch station at Gwennap Head near Lands End...

plenty of inshore fish on the market this morning...

including classic Cornish quality fish like these John Dory...

Couch's bream...

the odd cod...

red mullet...

more JDs...

plenty of haddock...

while the two beam trawlers landed shots of Dover soles...

and monk tails from the Algrie...

some surprising amounts of red mullet came the beamer's way...

along with those luscious lemons...

boxes of small octopus...

and a handful of hake making up for the hake netters who are all at sea, the first of which will be landing hake for Monday's market...

like ladybirds, plaice have a variety of spot combinations...

a fine brace of brill...

the other kind of commonly landed squid...

a brace of turbot...

and a solid haul of pollack from the man himself on the Maverick...

even mackerel are finally putting an appearance in acceptable quantities for the handliners...

and the odd bass...

crawfish, they really do have horns...

Jeremy setting sail on a biblically fine morning...

touches of traditional woven duck furniture on the Sylva Celt...

with her huge wheel back aft...

and stepped masts...

there's moor to see art-wise in Newlyn...

with Stevie McCrindle's Sea Moor gallery shop...

finely hand crafted goods on view next to Jelbert's ice cream shop...

good to see a traditional Scottish seiner working from Newlyn again...

with four sardine nets on the quay it could be the season is about to start...

this new building...

and this man will soon be opening to feed the finest fresh Newlyn fish to all those who can book a table at Argoe, the latest piscatorial dining experience to be created...

good to see Whitelink have chosen cheerful graphics for their heavy good transport...

these guys will have had a peaceful night turned in on their yacht...

with hardly a breath of wind in Mounts Bay this morning.