
Friday 30 July 2021

Fish tails - on the final #FishyFriday of July.

Hard to believe looking across the harbour this morning that six hours before this was taken both St Marys and Sennen lifeboat were patrolling the Scillys as gusts up to 69mph caused chaos both ashore and at sea as dozens of yachts in the islands wrestled with dragged anchors and missing fenders...

meanwhile, back inside the fish market there are some fishy tails to identify...


but not all...

are flatfish...

as most of the fish up for auction this morning were from...

the beam trawlers, Enterprise and Trevessa IV who target mainly flatfish...

though both would love to see more boxes of plaice this big...

every marina berth on the pontoons was taken up with sheltering yachts...

along with a dozen more moored outside of the fleet impatient to...

get the gear sorted...

before leaving the quay and heading back to sea...

which is more than enough to keep the ever-cheerful Ben smiling down from his office window as he prepares for another three-day stint working through several thousand pots...

first away was the hake netter Ajax...

closely followed by the Stelissa...

an Jed with the Louisa N...

minutes later Tristan took the Silver Dawn out through the gaps...

as young Edwin fired up the Volvo with the morning's catch safely on board... 

always good to see the boats head straight back out to sea, though they would soon be rolling heavily once they rounded the Runnelstone Buoy and felt the full force of the heavy SW swell that would be there to greet them following the passing of storm Evert.