
Wednesday 23 June 2021

Spain has scratched 300 tons of the species in a barter with France


Fishing could, again, stop hake-free trawling from an exchange. It did so with the exchange it made with Portugal and, this time it has made a swap with France, Pesca intends to once again leave out the distribution of the bulk of the hake received to trawlers that have caught more than 60% of what they have allotted because there are others with a significant surplus that makes the consumption of the fleet segment in general stand at 35%. And again the Pescagalicia organization has attacked that resolution that, it hopes, does not materialize, since it would establish a "discriminatory treatment" towards some vessels of the fleet of the Cantabrian-Northwest bottom trawling census, explains Torcuato Teixeira , Secretary General Of the entity.

On this occasion, Spain has bartered with France to get more hake. It has scratched 300 tons of that species. Fifty have been obtained in exchange for 30 Cantabrian monkfish, a stock that, according to the General Secretariat for Fisheries, shows low global consumption by practically all fleet segments. With this there is no problem, because it is distributed among those who have put monkfish for the exchange. But the other 250 have been obtained by changing species that are not distributed: rays and bonito from the north, at a rate of 50 and 300 tons -although in the case of tuna, 220 have been lost when offsetting it with 80 from the swap with Portugal, a
nd, in this amount is the dispute. 

As specified in the fees, 40% of the 250 tonnes of hake will be distributed according to the general criteria, while the remaining 60% (150) «will be allocated in a linear way to the vessels and groups of vessels with the highest percentages of consumption of their southern hake quota and, therefore, greater quota needs for this species, and also taking into account its consumption in recent years. 

In the opinion of Pesca, they are all in deficit. However, there is a fleet segment, which is trawling, with vessels that have temporarily transmitted more than 50% of their initial quota in the year, thus demonstrating that they do not have the same need for a southern hake quota as vessels that they do maintain initial quota percentages above that margin. On the other hand, there are two other modalities, such as bottom longline and flywheel, with vessels that have already exceeded 60% of their quota. Thus, it is among these ships that he proposes to distribute 150 tons of hake linearly.

Need and dependencyThe discrimination that Pescagalicia talks about is twofold. First, because they have already been excluded from the distribution of 60% of Portugal's quota. And because it does not take into account that there are units that do fish their quota, that do not exchange it, and that go by percentages of consumption in line with flyers and longliners. Boats that, they remember, were fishing for mackerel until now and have started to go to the bonito, so they are not so dependent on hake. Nor do they believe that the current regulations, which include the reduction of the effort in weighting, have been well applied. And, badly that it weighs, in that aspect the drag is a champion. A leader who, however, is not rewarded with hakes. Thus, Teixeira in the allegations shows that, for couples who need more space, the species accounts for 25% of their turnover, so the dependence is more than proven.

Furthermore, the situation is complicated, as the Ministry of Fisheries itself admits, because interspecies flexibility is not allowed; and trawling, as a mixed fishery, is at greater risk of choke than others.

Translated by Google-see original article in Spanish: