
Friday 25 June 2021

It's a grey sort of day for #FishyFriday in Newlyn

Yesterday the future was all orange...

today, it has gone all grey...

whereas, inside the fish market there's plenty of fish like these lovely lobsters to brighten up the buyers' day

and a succulent Mediterranean eight-legger...

along with seine net caught red mullet...

the odd greater weaver...

and the obligatory John Dory rush from young Mr Nowell...

while Tom picked up this cracking example of a Couch's bream...

the Enterprise landed some deep water gurnard for bait...

always a smile on Cap'n Cod's face...

not because of these lush lemons...

or these bass...

but the 40kg of mackerel he landed after a 4am start this morning...

the resident harbour seal doesn't often get to dine on lemon sole...

Cod heads back home to put his feet up leaving Graham and the boys on the Girl Pamela who featured in the Independent article on the legacy of Brexit for the industry in Newlyn...

their morning also started at 4am as they continue to scrape and clean up a string of pots they recovered after being months lost on the seabed...

two of the ports recent new builds side by side, the 42m beam trawler Enterprise lays inside the crabber Harriet Eve...

it takes two tankers to fuel the port's most powerful beamer with 30,000 litres of diesel fuel...

ring nets on the quayside, a sure sign that the sardines season will soon be in full swing...

 not much chance of seeing the sun today on the final #FishyFriday in June.