
Friday 18 June 2021

It's a fresh #FishyFriday in Newlyn this morning.

Good to see a handful of visiting boats taking advantage of the fishing grounds off Cornwall...

along with local boats like the Annie May making a solid landing of monk and turbot...

yesterday saw a handful of lucky handliners pull strings of mackerel aboard

Cod was one of the bigger players in the feeding frenzy...

the unmistakable tub gurnard...

but to which fish does this huge gaping mouth belong?..

the one with the spots is easy to ID...

the beam trawler St Georges had a bonus haul of red mullet, not a fish they normally catch in any quantity...

their staple diet being Dover...

or megrim sole...

the netter Ocean Pride picked up a good run of hake...

this hake throat will be one of the delights on offer at Argoe, a new restaurant due to open in July situated right in the harbour bounds serving only seasonal fish with plenty of al fresco seating...

lobsters are the subject of some debate with the second reading of the Sentience Bill in the House of Lords which seeks to accord certain species rights to humane treatment...

with few wreck netters these days blackjacks (coley) as seen less often up for auction...

and the days when boats used to target conger eels in any quantity are long gone...

 660 stone (4,000kg) on the deck of the KimBill longlining in one night for example...

and of course, the lovely looking ling...

best of the 'butt...

cod are also not seen in any quantity these days as few Newlyn boats trawl in the (Bristol) channel...

these crab pots have were crept up after being lost for many months...

in the future, these highly manouverable sardine boats...

with their season about to start...

will be berthed against the Mary Williams pier...

plenty of work deck on this classic Salcombe crabber...

Pelagic Marskman on the slip, more news on her to come.