
Wednesday 16 June 2021

Caught on camera, the mid-week market action in Newlyn.

Overcast but warm enough and with a 15' tide most of the netter fleet are away to sea...

Wednesday's market was full of top quality mainly inshore fish...

 from trawlers like the Still Waters...

the only net fish being that from the Ocean Pride landing mainly turbot...

ground fish like these blonde ray...

and monk from the Lucy Too...

along with a few butterfly squid...

while these superb line caught pollack...

came by way of the handline boat, Maverick...

where the catch are gutted, washed and kept in these insulated tubs full of slush ice which is why young Mr Smith's fish always look as if they have just jumped from the sea straight into a box for auction...

seems that these stripey little fish are still only little more findable than rocking horse s**t...

Tom would have had a big smile on his face when this beauty fell out of the cod end on to the deck aboard the Harvest Reaper...


Dover sole...

and these pristine red mullet will no doubt find themselves suitably served on restaurant tables not a million miles form Newlyn later today...

keeping the merchants like Mr Smart busy loading...

his newly internally glass-fibred van (nice work Dan) caught in action by Gemma Wearing filming for the Seafarers Charity...

there were 14 of big yachts using Newlyn the other day, proof that if you build it they will come...

while there's still a building work to be done aboard the Billy Rowney...

time to take fuel across the deck of the Sapphire II for this immaculate and classic tosher.