
Monday 28 June 2021

CALL FOR EVIDENCE: Six-month review on post-Brexit fisheries to be heard in the House of Commons debate.


Alistair Carmichael, Orkney and Shetland MP has secured a parliamentary debate on 13 July regarding the current situation faced by the fishing industry. Anyone with concerns and frustrations about the post-Brexit impact on fishing should contact his office 

Says Alistiar, "Six months have passed since we left the CFP, left the EU and left the frictionless trading relations we had before January. Fishermen and other businesses have felt let down by a government that promised a “sea of opportunity” but delivered only red tape and disappointment. 

Any responsible government would conduct a public review of its policy decisions on fishermen. Absent from any such accounting, it is up to us to take ministers to task and demand answers on what has become quite a comprehensive range of failures on fishing. 

I am calling for anyone involved in the fishing industry and related businesses to get in touch about their concerns so that we can make the strongest case possible - please contact my office by email or phone by Friday 9th July.

Dob't forget to copy your own fishing constituency MP in on any emails that you send with specific questions that you would like answered at the highest level. Now is the time to ask!