
Friday 21 May 2021

Weatherbound in Newlyn.

Many but not all the fleet are currently weatherbound in Newlyn...

the usual group of French boats are dodging off Falmouth using the Lizard for a bit of cut from the SW wind and heavy seas...

yesterday's market saw just the one beam trawl trip of fish from the Trevssa IV

along with top quality turbot from the netter Ygraine...

a handful of tubs...

and just the one solitary cod...

while the Spirited Lady landed some luscious lemons...

and the New Venture managed to put ashore more boxes of ray...

John Dory are appearing across the grounds...

and haddock are always present, which is fine if you have the quota to land them...

young Dave Smith must have put in some solid hours to land this excellent shot ...

of line caught pollack...

while this just about sums up the scarcity of inshore mackerel these days...

even bass are present in greater numbers it seems, top price for mackerel was £12.00/kg last week!...

bull huss won't hit such dizzy prices though...

while these hake will make good money, and most goes for UK consumption these days...

only a handful of boats are eligible to land spurdogs - which really needs looking at as boats as far north as Scotland report having to dump catches - dumping over or nil-quota fish pays lip-service to the idea of conservation in many fishermen's eyes...

whole monk landed by the prawner, heather Sprig...

sh little beauties...

no prizes for guessing whose fish these are...

but this is her spacious working deck...

crabber Intuition puts her day's work ashore...

yet another Scottish visitor, not seining or prawning, this time the boat is a big scalloper, Evening Star from Peterhead...

Thursday morning saw the weather drastically deteriorate forcing even some of the bigger boats back to port.