
Monday 10 May 2021

The field that became Bowjey Woods.

Looking towards the area now being referred to as Bowjey Woods...


when this photo of Breton crabbers was taken in the 1930s you can quite clearly see that the woods were, in fact, a field - a field like that which became Newlyn Green on which fishermen would dry and 'bark' their pilchard nets...

today, the field has become almost totally overgrown with scrub and trees, this path marks the lower entrance as you ascend Bowjey Hill by road...

looking down through nearing the middle of the woods...

which if it wasn't for the trees would afford a superb view of the harbour and Mounts Bay beyond...

which is why there are moves to pre-empt an attempt to develop the area through a local group Friends of Rosebud Gardens and Bowjey Woods who keen to preserve such valuable community assets.