
Friday 28 May 2021

Brexit: fishermen appeal to Emmanuel Macron


The UK's continued blocking of all measures to implement the Fisheries Trade Agreement is beyond the National Fisheries Committee.

In a letter sent on Wednesday May 26 to the Presidency of the Republic, the president of the CNPMEM GĂ©rard Romiti alerted Emmanuel Macron to the fact that the delaying tactics on the negotiations of quotas, the rights of access in the 6-12 miles and at Jersey "are installing a climate of total exasperation on the coast" . He officially requests a hearing to examine the political and legal support measures.

Regarding retaliatory measures, the European Council, which brought together the European heads of state on 24 and 25 May, had indicated in its conclusions "invite the Commission to continue its efforts to ensure the full implementation of the agreements, in particular in the areas of fisheries and equal conditions of competition, by making full use of the instruments provided for in the agreements, by continuously coordinating and in permanent dialogue with the Council and its preparatory bodies, in accordance with practice established ” .

Behind this diplomatic language, it seems that the United Kingdom is starting to annoy even the most conciliatory countries with it. The partnership council provided for in the trade agreement, which must be held, in its fishing composition, during the second week of June, promises very tough negotiations according to Pierre Karleskind, who raised the subject this Thursday, May 27 with the commissioner in charge. of peach, Virginijus Sinkevicius. "The decision to initiate retaliatory measures requires legal delays ," said the chairman of the European Parliament's Committee on Fisheries. But then, the activation of these measures can be fast. "

Full story courtesy of Bernard Jegou writing for Le Marin