
Monday 5 April 2021

Surveying the scene.

Local hydrographic survey company Ultrabeam were hard at work in the harbour today taking advantage of less than normal vessel movements...

with their latest survey vessel...

making her way around the inner harbour close to the Canner's Slip...

seen from three sides..

the multi-wheeled vehicle is able to traverse both land and water by virtue of its eight drive wheels...

recently, the company created this amazing 3D virtual model of the harbour...

there are some interesting developments underway in the harbour at the moment - if eating fish is your thing then this one is going to be something quite special - watch this space for more news on Argoe!!!...

meanwhile, despite the icy wind blowing through the harbour and freezing fingers the delicate art of sign-writing is in progress on the good ship Cormorant...

tools of the sign-writer's trade.