
Friday 30 April 2021

Final #FishyFriday for April in Newlyn

Low water and reverals just how deep-drafted modern fishing boats are, the Amanda of Ladram  is only 18m long...

one of the more voracious ocal residents takes off for supper...

high water Thursday evening sees the return of the day boats like the Harvest Reaper...

and skipper Tom jumping ashore to land days days work...

as does Brackan on the Spited Lady III...

Tome heads of to find a berth and then it's home for a few hours kip...

as does Patch in his punt Shikari...

wind the clock forward to #FishyFriday morning and fish are being pulled off the auction floor for packing...

with excellent landings of inshore fish like these red mullet...


and lemons from Brackan...

all the boats picked up a few John Dory...

the the big Irish trawler Unity hit the jackpot in terms of quantity...

with over 60 boxes of these gorgeous fish, unfortunately it seems the whole trawling world is doing the same as a result prices already took a dive on Thursday...

Tom had his fair share...

while the port's Dory king was nowhere in the running, a gutted young Roger Nowell...


and monk tails make up some of the the high quality fish that the port is renowned for...

of which a whole host of buyers are keen to get their tallies down on those boxes...

to keep a smile on the faces of all concerned, these must be some of those 'happy fish' the indescribably condescending Jacob Rees-Mogg referred to earlier this year...

up goes the market doors..

with all but a handful of boxes ready to sell...

seems the handliners in both are finding mackerel difficult to locate...

though there do seem to be a few blues for those guys willing to put pots in awkward places...

or some hard-fought-for pollack caught by hook...

ray are still to be had though the season of plenty is now passing...

it was up to the Unity to land some quality hake fished over the very big tide, more will arrive from early next week when the hake netters are able to get back to sea again...

got to love a gurnard...

there's red...

and the odd black bream accompanied by a greater weaver...

seems blue is most definitely this year's colour...

with a hint of orange over the deep blue sea...

only the gribble work have are more voracious than the black-back gull population...

plenty of fishing news, finance, grants and of course all the fishing training news tou need from Seafood Cornwall Training...

calms don't come much flatter than this, not a breath in the harbour this morning...

there are some exciting new projects underway in the harbour - keep your eyes peeled for more Argoe news!