
Tuesday 27 April 2021

MCA calls Falmouth registered Gonpez 1, Spanish flag of convenience boat in to Newlyn.

The Falmouth registered Gonpez 1, Spanish flag of convenience boat arrived in Newlyn this morning...

she is typical of the big Spanish trawlers that fish for hake, monkfish and megrim sole on banks like the Pistola and the Sole Banks south west of Cornwall...

using very long combination bridles over the soft often muddy grounds...

as a member of the UK fishing fleet she is proudly flying her red duster...

as the crew help pull her astern to a deeper berth...

 before preparing to meet an MCA inspection team...

she dwarfs one of the local mackerel handliners heading back to her berth after an early morning haul...

visiting Brixham beam trawler Sam of Ladram...

a paint job is underway on the St Georges.