
Sunday 18 April 2021

A new face at the helm of the SWFPO Ltd


South Western Fish Producer Organisation Ltd committee and members are pleased to announce the recruitment of a new Chief Executive Officer / Company Secretary who will work alongside Jim Portus as he counts down to retirement after over 30 years at the helm.

Juliette Hatchman brings to SWFPO her 17 years' experience working on various aspects of marine and fisheries policy areas from her previous roles in CEFAS, Defra, the MFA and most recently with Macduff Shellfish (Scotland) Ltd. Hers is an impressive CV that will be used to good effect as the industry copes with the Government's "green" agenda of environmentally and economically sustainable approaches to marine and fisheries management.

Juliette is already very well known and respected among industry and administration colleagues, and she will lose no time in rebuilding relationships to the benefit of SWFPO members.

Juliette will work with Jim as the Organisation and wider industry deal with the impacts of Brexit and with the lingering affects of Covid-19.

The industry is recovering from trade disruption and market dislocation, but both Juliette and Jim agree there is a bright future for the sectors represented by the SWFPO membership, including a major part of the UK (many are Scottish) scallop fishing fleet and independent beam trawler and trawler operators based in Channel and South Wales fishing ports. These are challenging yet exciting times to be embarking on a new career in fisheries, with the UK as an independent coastal state, wrestling with its own identity and those of the devolved nations.

Juliette can be contacted at or on mobile 07780505020

Jim will remain full-time at SWFPO until October this year, then will decline slowly into well-earned rest.